In South Africa, people are usually classified by companies through LSM (Living Standard Measure). LSM is the most widely used market-segmentation tool that groups people according to their living standards. However, such a method of segmenting and understanding consumer behaviour offers a skewed view on the consumer, particularly in relation to the black African target audience whose standards of living are complex and intricate. The LSM-method categorises consumers according to what they own and where they live — therein lies the flaw.
We believe that any marketing or research based on LSM alone will not yield the results that brands are yearning for. One would think this is common knowledge amongst marketers, but a large portion of advertising decisions are made on this metric alone – often leading to negative results.
What we’ve discovered is that this typical consumer segmentation does not consider a consumer’s social, emotional and systematic condition – the very important factors for understanding the intricacies of human behaviour.
In order to reach this sacred ‘consumer understanding’ place and truly connect with the ordinary consumer, brands first need to “appreciate” consumers by first recognizing their “full” worth as people and not just mere statistics that purchase their products.
Such a transition involves more than just conducting conventional research that asks the right brand questions. Instead, it involves taking a 360° approach to consumer research in an attempt to positively influence consumer choices. Such can be achieved through ‘Consumer Love‘. Consumer Love is the engine of consumer change. It is at the heart of Brand Love™. Petaltheory® Research helps brands influence consumers through this consumer appreciation.
Petaltheory® Research provides brands with insights and data that significantly bridge the gap between consumers and brands. We also take it a step further and advise on the relevant tools to measure marketing ROI long after the research is completed – because we understand that measurement informs results.